A – Z of STEM Ambassadors

Written by
Sam Watola
Jun 20, 2022

STEM Ambassadors come from all different backgrounds and can fit into the curriculum in so many different ways. We looked at the job titles of all of the UK’s STEM Ambassadors and managed to find one for each letter of the alphabet! Which is your favourite?

Don’t forget that you can request a STEM Ambassador to come into your school or youth group by putting an activity on the STEM Ambassador platform.

AAir traffic controllerNNaval Architect
BBridge engineerOOccupational Therapist
CCyber security apprenticePPatent Attorney
DDNA analystQQuantity Surveyor
EEcologistRRobotic engineer
FFarmerSSustainability Advisor
GGraphic designerTTransport planner
HHydrogeologistUUAV pilot
IInnovation managerVVeterinary surgeon
JJunior DoctorWWind Turbine Engineer
KKnowledge BrokerXX-ray generator supervisor
LLandscape ArchitectYYear In Industry Student
MMidwifeZZoo keeper
A – Z of STEM Ambassadors